About us
The Aware Online Academy is the OSINT Training Center of the Aware Online set up in the end of 2016. The Aware Online Academy is a CRKBO (central register Short Vocational Education) registered training institute specialised in providing training and support in the field of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) and Social Media Intelligence (SOCMINT).
Our vision
Millions of messages, photos and videos are shared across the internet and social media every day. For you as a detective, researcher or analyst, this data can be very valuable, for example in the form of evidence. We believe that an OSINT training is essential for anyone who is engaged in the collecting and analyzing of online information.
About our CRKBO registration
The Aware Online Academy has been tested by the Centre for Post Intitial Education Netherlands (CPION) on the principles of care, legal certainty, reasonableness, reliability and trustworthiness. The Aware Online Academy complies with the CRKBO registration with the quality code for training institutions for short vocational education.

Why choose us?
At the Aware Online Academy we believe in a high-quality, effective and safe internet investigations.
How can we help you?
The Aware Online Academy provides live OSINT training to Internet detectives, analysts and researchers from within both the public and private sector. These trainings are of different levels (beginner, professionals and tailor-made) and can be followed as private lessons, via open enrollment and in-company.
The trainings “Osint-Training I (Beginner)” And “OSINT-Training II (Professional)” are also part of the SPEN Register training to become a Certified Open Source Intelligence Specialist®
The Aware Online Academy is engaged in the development of various online OSINT training modules. These training modules can be followed at your own pace and from your own location and provide a useful reference if you have also followed an online training. All online trainings will be provided with videos and textual explanations.
The Aware Online Academy offers support in investigations in the field of open Source Intelligence (OSINT) and/or social media intelligence (SOCMINT). You can enable our specialists if you are stuck in an investigation or when you are in need for short or long-term project-based assignments.
The Aware Online Academy has developed its own OSINT tools which you can use free of charge in your own investigations. For example, with our tools, you can conduct research on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram and you can automatically create search success by using an email address or phone number.
The Aware Online Academy also regularly places OSINT tutorials in addition to the OSINT tools, in which you can read how to conduct an in-depth and safe open source investigations.
The Aware Online Academy keeps an overview of other websites on which regular tips, OSINT tools and explanations are given about the provision of OSINT investigations.
About our SPEN certification
The training for Certified Open Source Intelligence Specialist® of the Aware Online Academy is accredited by the Centre for Post-Initial education Netherlands (CPION) on behalf of the Stichting Permanente Educatie Nederland (SPEN) as a SPEN Register Training. This foundation is a national service organization that is committed to the quality of short courses and training that can be applied in the context of lifelong learning.
SPEN Register Training